Are you in the hot zone of leadership?
You’re directed to implement a change that significantly impacts your teams but weren’t consulted.
Multiple department reorgs have left your team unmotivated
You recently consolidated teams and several members are unhappy
Your team is being asked to do more than ever before, with more uncertainty
Team members are close to burnout, and their previous enthusiasm is fading
You’ve heard rumblings that team members don’t feel they can be authentic
Do these scenarios sound familiar?
Senior Leadership wants you to go left.
Your team wants you to go right.
And you? You just want to go home!
If any of these sound familiar, you are in the leadership hot zone
Have you ever wondered if there was a way out that didn’t require you to quit?
We can’t promise a way out
We can provide a way through
Our 28-Day Leadership Program
Revealing Your Inner Leader
guides you through the leadership hot zone, gaining clarity and confidence
Our 28-Day Program, Revealing Your Inner Leader, supports you to gain clarity and confidence in leadership by allowing your inner leader to emerge. Each week, we guide you to deepen your understanding of your leadership style while acquiring new skills, insights, and tools to navigate your leadership path with courage, purpose, and resolve.